A group of Yorkshire businesses are pooling their talents and resources to form a new body, the Yorkshire Care Collaboration.
The members, all successful independent companies in their own right, have experience in providing a broad range of products and services to the care sector. With an understanding of the specific issues facing companies involved in care provision, each is able to provide specialist advice for care home owners and other private sector providers, together forming an initiative which will help to inform and nurture care businesses to become more efficient and successful.
The Yorkshire Care Collaboration offers industry specific consultancy and hands-on support for all the key aspects of care businesses, including Building & Construction, Health & Safety, Marketing & Communications, Web Design & Corporate Video and Legal & Financial advice.
In the coming months, the collaboration is hosting a programme of interactive seminars with a useful and informative insight into each of the members’ specialist subject areas, as well as providing a resourceful networking environment for meeting fellow care professionals.
The companies at the forefront of the new initiative are already active in networking in Yorkshire and some have informally been working together collaboratively for some time with care clients.
To find out more about the companies involved in the Yorkshire Care Collaboration, care business owners can visit www.yorkshirecare.net where there are also details of the forthcoming seminar programme, or call 0845 391 7061 to access professional help with any care sector issue.