Who would have thought in these days of electronic gadgets and games that the perennial jigsaw would remain a firm favourite when it comes to choosing gifts? Spanning the age ranges and social profiles, doing a jigsaw remains a relaxing pastime that the whole family can dip in and out of, and enjoy even while watching the TV.
It’s not all picture postcard images now though, as the humble jigsaw has progressed into the modern world of the internet and made it possible to have any favourite photograph turned into a jigsaw, with the picture and personal message on the box.
Ryco Originals have been the UK’s leading manufacturer of one off, personalised jigsaws since 2004, and have seen the number of customers wanting these unique gifts increase dramatically as shoppers abandon the high street chains in favour of late night armchair shopping and the ability to personalise presents without spending a fortune.
Ryco’s new website, www.jigsawpuzzlecorner.co.uk, offers customers an easy, step by step process to follow. For customers who don’t have their favourite photograph in a digital format, they even offer the facility to send in an actual photograph for scanning and converting into a jigsaw.
Whether it’s a grandchild, pet, family group, wedding or holiday photograph, Tony and his team can turn it into a jigsaw. Available in 1000, 500 or 200 piece jigsaw formats, there are options suitable for all ages and abilities, with prices starting at £22.99 for a 200 piece personalised puzzle.
A 48 or 63 piece personalised jigsaw for children featuring larger pieces is also available on request.
The company also manufacture jigsaws featuring traditional favourite scenes including local views and old county maps available on the website.
Tony Sinfield and the team at Ryco Originals can be contacted on 01765 641300 or online at http://www.jigsawpuzzlecorner.co.uk/